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Electric Vehicles - What are the challenges?

In recent years, the electric car scene has become more established. In China alone, there are more than 500 companies manufacturing electric vehicles. However, the challenges for the segment are still enormous and, so far, there are no solutions in sight.

We've listed some of the challenges that represent major obstacles for the electric car segment.

  • Traditional factories - Putting an end to fossil fuels by 2030 seems to be a difficult goal to achieve, as current manufacturers are not prepared to make electric cars. On average, it takes four years to make a new car design from scratch.
  • Worldwide unemployment - Electric cars are less complex to manufacture, require 30% less labor to produce and use fewer components.
  • High cost - The battery is the most expensive item in electric cars, accounting for up to 40% of the vehicle's final price. Some metals for its production can only be found in specific countries, which can keep prices high.
