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Cabotage - Find out what's new in the sector

It is common to find literature stating that cabotage refers to navigation by sea, rivers or lakes, between ports in the same country, and that cabotage navigation takes place exclusively along the coast, without the vessel being able to move very far from the coast and with a continuous view of the coast.

In Brazil, according to the Ministry of Infrastructure of the Federal Government, “cabotage is navigation between ports or points in Brazilian territory by sea or river”.

In 2020, the Federal Government proposed the creation of the Cabotage Transport Stimulus Program - BR do Mar, through Bill 4.199/2020, which aims to increase the supply of cabotage, encourage competition, create new routes and reduce costs, with the main axes being the fleet, the shipbuilding industry, costs and the port. This is a legislative measure that was voted on and approved by the Chamber of Deputies and passed by the Senate on November 25. However, as the text approved by the Senate had some changes, it returns to the Chamber of Deputies for further consideration before being sent to the Presidency of the Republic.

The program is expected to increase the volume transported, reaching a 40% growth in the capacity of the maritime fleet dedicated to cabotage in 3 years.

Source: https://www.gov.br/infraestrutura/pt-br/brdomar
