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Brazilians join the sustainability bandwagon

Brazilians are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of caring for the environment and this is reflected in their daily habits. Small sustainable attitudes make a big difference in guaranteeing a greener and healthier future.

A survey by @cnibr shows that 81% of Brazilians are adopting sustainable habits in their daily lives. That's incredible! Let's take a look at some of the behaviors that have made a difference in recent months:

🔹 Water saving: 73% of people avoid wasting water always and 17% do it most of the time. Total: 90%! Saving water is crucial to ensure there is no shortage for future generations.

🔸 Saving energy: 69% always keep an eye on their energy consumption and 20% do it most of the time, a total of 89%. Reducing energy consumption helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change.

🔹 Waste reduction: 50% of people reduce their waste production all the time and 28% do it most of the time, making a total of 78%. Less waste means less pollution and a cleaner environment for everyone.

🔸 Water reuse: 52% are reusing water always and 22% most of the time, totaling 74%. Reusing water helps to preserve this scarce resource and reduce the demand for new supplies.

🔹 Separating Waste for Recycling: 47% of people separate waste for recycling always and 18% do it most of the time, totaling 65%. Recycling is essential for reducing the amount of waste in landfills and for transforming materials into new products.

🔸 Reusing packaging: 45% reuse packaging always and 25% most of the time, for a total of 65%. Reusing packaging reduces the consumption of new materials and the amount of waste in the environment.

These attitudes show that people are really committed to making a difference. Every little action, such as saving water or separating waste, contributes to a more sustainable future.

Bora Fazer a Diferença!

🌱 Vamos juntos nessa! Adote hábitos sustentáveis e ajude a preservar o planeta. Economize água, reduza o consumo de energia, separe o lixo pra reciclagem e reutilize embalagens. Pequenas mudanças no dia a dia podem gerar grandes impactos positivos no meio ambiente. Juntos, podemos garantir um futuro melhor e mais saudável para as próximas gerações.
