Working with foreign trade requires many challenges for companies, regardless of whether they are exporting or importing. We've put together a list of 4 challenges that entrepreneurs should be aware of in the comex market:
1° Documentação – além de lidar com documentações e regulamentações brasileiras, as empresas também precisam atender e interpretar as normas de outros países. A burocracia é tão elevada, complexa e custosa, que muitos empresários desistem de tentar obter isenções ou benefícios fiscais.
2° Tributação – Os tributos a serem pagos tanto no país origem quanto no país destino das transações também costumam causar dores de cabeça aos gestores.
3° Problems with infrastructure - Investing in infrastructure is one of the tips for those who want to optimize their company's deliveries of goods. Companies working in foreign trade are very dependent on Brazil's port and road infrastructure.
4° Lack of knowledge of partners, suppliers - Another challenge for companies working in foreign trade is the lack of knowledge of partners, suppliers or customers in the countries in which they operate. You can count on the Flipper Group to help you with all these challenges.